Ecotherapy &
Nature-based Coaching

Build your own sustainable source of well-being with the guidance of nature herself.

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Photo of a wild whale surfacing

Types of Coaching:

Logo of Clara and a client walking in nature

In-person Nature-based Coaching

As a nature-based coach, I work together with nature to help you reconnect with the parts of you that have felt inaccessible or absent for some time. I’m talking about your life purpose, your connection with self and others, your need for work-life balance and maybe even your hope for a better future.

Each in-person nature coaching session lasts between 75-90mins and will take place in a pre-selected outdoor space adapted to your needs. The session could involve hiking or sitting in a park, walking on the beach, or whatever matches your specific needs. As preparation for the session, you will receive a pre-session questionnaire so that your session is adapted and customized to your level of comfort, and we will also meet on the phone or on Zoom as part of your client assessment.

If you are not located in, or able to travel to the North Bay of San Francisco, where I conduct in-person nature coaching sessions, we can meet on the phone or over Zoom.

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Photo of an open book in the sand at a beach

Remote Nature-based Coaching

In a remote nature coaching session, we can engage with many different aspects of your relationship with nature, whether it is existing or lacking in your life. I help clients deepen their own understanding of themselves through the lens of nature and often encourage them to explore one aspect of the session outside afterwards, which we then unpack in our next meeting.

These sessions are interactive and will fill up your cup, as we explore ways to bring the outside in with us by learning to connect with nature in different ways as a source of inspiration and nourishment. Some subjects that often come up for clients in remote nature coaching include how to cope with climate change anxiety, how to resource oneself in nature on a daily or weekly basis, and how to integrate nature to manage stress

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Nature Retreats

Nature Wellness Retreats held on the land in stunning Sonoma County, California (1hr North of San Francisco). Custom corporate retreats are also available based on your team’s needs.

Here’s what previous retreat participants are saying: "Clara has such a grounded inner calm that is infectious. Time with her, in circle with other women and on breathtaking land with such magnificent beauty and wildlife, were such a great spark for me to continue my journey of reclaiming nature within." - KathyO'Connell 

“The retreat was a welcome respite from day-to-day life to center on the Land, ourselves, and find answers within. I took away a renewed commitment to turning to the land, nature, and experiences of all senses to help me pause and be present to life where it is now. I would recommend this retreat to anyone who is ready to be still, to open themselves up to what they want now, and to learn valuable skills of mindfulness. Clara is a lovely and clear guide for this work. She creates a safe community for being yourself as you are.”

“Clara your leadership/guidance is thorough, organized, and you lead from your heart and soul. I wish we could have these gatherings monthly!!!!!!!! I took away a sense of peace and I’m further commited to this journey of discovery that nature provides. I’ve already recommended to others!!!” – Kim Jellicoe

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What clients are saying:

"Experiencing nature with Clara opens new doors for beautiful spiritual transformation. Her expert, gentle guidance treading lightly on Mother Earth is rare a gift. Clara’s invitation to embrace quietude, sacred moments of pause, intention setting, observation & reflection, offered healing balm, new insights, as well as tools to take with me into the journey of life”

Dana Christian Lee
Yoga & Meditation Teacher

"I met Clara for my eco-coaching session at a public park just outside of Petaluma, California. During my session, Clara created a safe space. She guided me to be attuned with my intuitive side and my connection to nature. I let my attention fall into the nature’s behaviors and Clara guided me with any thoughts and/or feelings I had toward my surroundings and helped me explore my feelings in connection to myself or an external event. As the session continued, we followed the path that I experienced to be the best path for the time being. I continued to find a deeper sense of self and how I influence my community. It was an incredible experience of insight. Clara made me feel validated and she helped me piece my senses, feelings and thoughts together. I felt both emotionally and physically present and secure"

Laerke Riisberg-Mikkelsen
Future LMFT and international horse trainer


What is Nature-based Coaching ?

The International Coaching Federation describes nature coaching as “an approach to coaching developed in connection with Nature (not in a simple “presence” of Nature). It’s aimed at restoring human beings to their natural ability to take care of themselves, of other living creatures (human and non-human), and the Earth. This way, coaching can contribute to conditions that help and sustain life on Earth, for generations to come.” As a nature-based coach, I work together with nature to help you reconnect with the parts of you that have felt inaccessible or absent for some time. I’m talking about your life purpose, your connection with others, your need for work-life balance and maybe even your hope for a better future.

Why does this work?

Nature mirrors us because we are a part of nature. One of our biggest mistakes is that we forget that. The reality of human life is that it is going to be uncertain and chaotic at times, it can be difficult and beautiful, all within the same hour. The forces of nature are the same way: the ocean can be smooth and calm one moment or stormy and chaotic the next.

Nature-based coaching is a form of healing and self-development that recognizes and honors that we cannot thrive on planet Earth without remembering that we are a part of nature. That is why I decided to bring the internal process of coaching outside, to potentiate your healing and growth journey, so that you can start living a life that’s aligned with your highest self and deepest desires.

How does a session go?

Often, the session begins with a land acknowledgment and a guided intention-setting ritual. From then on, my role is to help you come into contact, or conversation with nature, so that you deepen into your chosen topic and potentially receive answers to your questions. Each session is different, and the forces of the elements and Earth are not predictable so I ask clients beforehand to be open to surprises.

In a session, we might walk and/or sit down, depending on your preferences and abilities. I may guide you through a visualization or breathing exercise to cultivate mindful awareness in the nature dialogue. This often leads to magical encounters, where other sentient beings like birds or animals, come forward. In our model, nature is placed at the front and center of the coaching process and I serve as a translator or guide in your dialogue with nature. This allows the human mind to quiet and invites you back into the present moment, into your own physical presence. 

The majority of the session is spent on the internal process of your experience and exchange with nature, with the last 15 mins dedicated to integration and transitioning back towards daily life. During that time, we offer gratitude to whatever aspect of nature came through as a source of support for you and establish goals or reflections for the next meeting. Clients leave the session feeling inspired, grounded and clear on their next steps or goals in your life.

What is your pricing for Nature-based Coaching? 

Prices depend on the type of session (in-person or remote) and the number of sessions you sign up for. Your investment for  a single in-person session is $125 and $100 for a remote session.

I also offer longer nature-based containers of 3 or 5 sessions where you receive a 10% discount per session.

Similarly to my life coaching practice, I offer a few scholarship spots for nature-based coaching clients who want to experience this work through me and whose circumstances don’t allow them to pay my regular rate. If this is you, let’s discuss this during a discovery call.