Mindful Living

Every now and then we’ll lay down some opinion or business insight for you to listen to.
Mindful Living

Farewell to a hard 2023

I’m looking for that smiling Clara who knows and remembers how sweet and mesmerizing life can be when you are open to her magic. I’ve missed her, and I’m going to look for her.

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Mindful Living

Lessons from the Gray Whales

There is something incredibly attractive to the human heart and conscience, in being a witness to life outside of ourselves, beyond our own species. These migratory whales are an archetype for hope, for a future where we begin to acknowledge that other species have a right not only to exist but to thrive too, and that it is our duty to remember and restore this equilibrium we have long lost sight of, in Westernized society.

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Mindful Living

On detaching from expectations and embracing the unexpected

I often find that it isn’t until I am somewhere outside of my regular routine, detached from the daily structure and demands of life, that my inspiration returns and words flow on the page like the competition-sized waves here. It is my first time here on the Basques coast of France, the South western part of the country, where lengthy stretches of beach meet delicious traditional food and the vibe is friendly during the off season.

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Mindful Living

On becoming a Co-Active® Coach

3 months ago, I began a new journey: the journey of becoming a coach. Let’s pause here because many people, and maybe you too, don’t really know what that means. And that’s okay; to be honest, I didn’t really know what it meant either when I started.

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Mindful Living

On overcoming anxiety through spirituality

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, I experienced an unusually strong wave of anxiety… one that lasted for several hours. Now, anxiety isn’t a new feeling for me, or for most people at this point, but it’s never particularly pleasant or comfortable.

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Mindful Living

What 2021 taught me about becoming an entrepreneur (and not comparing myself to others)

2021 was one for the books: turning 25, becoming a certified mindfulness teacher, graduating from my Masters degree in spiritual psychology at Columbia University Teachers College, living in NYC and more…

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Mindful Living

On redefining success and turning 26

I’ve heard the term “quarter life crisis” before but until very recently, never quite understood what it entailed. It wasn’t until a month before my 26th birthday that these huge questions started to arise and flood my mind, life and actions.

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