
Adapting your business to the new world

1 min read

This poem is dedicated to all the women out there who are suffering or healing from trauma, relationship and/or mental health issues. I stand with you as we stand with each other. May we all remember and honor our innate beauty and worth for this part of us is always present.

My body’s wisdom tells me time has passed,

In the mirror, a new light shines back at me.

Who is this powerful female warrior that stands before me in the full strength of her authenticity?

She has much to learn still and some to share,

I welcome her vulnerable courage with open arms.

As she bows in deep gratitude to life, I sweep her off her feet to hold her closer to my heart.

Together we grow and we fall. We laugh and we cry.

Tonight she stands again as fierce and grounded in the depths of the world,

A force for good is unstoppable, a heart of gold is tender and brave.

When I let her go, she whispers softly: “don’t worry, we’re in this together.”

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