
Dig Deep

1 min read

The inspiration for this poem came to me after reading the first chapter of the book It Didn’t Start With You by Mark Wolynn, in which he addresses the unconscious and automatic inheritance of intergenerational family trauma.

Dig deep
Even when it feels like there is nothing left
You have endured much worse
Memories encrypted in your soul

Dig deep
Like your ancestors did before you
Sacrifice and love brought you into their lives
Decades of pursuit creating this exact moment

Dig deep
For no one else will do it for you
Left to your own devices
Strength and courage arise

Dig deep
For that is what your path requires of you
You were never meant for the easy way out
Many soul cycles ahead, transcendent of time

Dig deep
Your light is a blessing to this world
Your pain is valid and acknowledged
Only you know how to integrate it for all

Dig deep
Because your smile melts my heart
Your presence is a blessing to many
Dig deep because you can

- Clara Schroeder

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