
An ode to self-love

1 min read

Kundalini Rising

The softness of your skin,
Echoes the tender ripples of your heart.
A touch so light,
Gently mirroring your soothing presence.
For what is self-love
But the beloved recognition of your own goodness.

This day again,
A stroke and caress from within
Heals the hearts of a thousand wounded warriors.
For in the curves and dimples of your skin,
Lies the gateway to the radiance of your soul.

Only you, the seeker, remember the wisdom
Imprinted in your body through the passage of time.
And when you once again,
Recall the sacred power of your own truth
Reclaim all the parts of you that were lost to please others,
The gates to deeper authentic knowing open.

Kundalini rising, transcending reality,
You stand up and walk the Earth
Fully embodied, in the beauty of your True Nature.

Clara Schroeder

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