
Every now and then we’ll lay down some opinion or business insight for you to listen to.

An ode to self-love

The softness of your skin, Echoes the tender ripples of your heart. A touch so light, Gently mirroring your soothing presence. For what is self-love But the beloved recognition of your own goodness.

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Dig Deep

Dig deep, Even when it feels like there is nothing left, You have endured much worse, Memories encrypted in your soul

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Adapting your business to the new world

This poem is dedicated to all the women out there who are suffering or healing from trauma, relationship and/or mental health issues. I stand with you as we stand with each other. May we all remember and honor our innate beauty and worth for this part of us is always present.

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To Let Go

I feel a pull towards letting go. Letting go of how I think I should be. How I think others want to see me.

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